The Association of British and Irish Accountants in Luxembourg (ABIAL) has announced details of a seminar titled: “Corporate Social Responsibility - Current status, opportunities & challenges”, which will take place on Tuesday 6 May 2025 at PwC in Luxembourg-Gasperich from 18:15 until 20:30.
According to ABIAL, the event will address the implications of the current status for companies in Europe and Luxembourg with respect to their businesses, competitiveness, changing consumer behaviour and attitudes to the trends in environmentally related initiatives and social responsibility. Whereas the overall need and benefits of corporate social responsibility (CSR) described as essential and laudable, given the current 2025 unpredictable economic, social and political environment, the event is expected to explore if companies are still on the right track and if goals and requirements are realistic or anti-competitive among others.
Speakers scheduled for the event are Mike Van Kauvenbergh, Director and Head of Consulting ESG at Deveco (Atoz), and Claire Cherpion, Director, Sustainability & Risk Assurance at PwC Luxembourg.
The agenda is as follows:
- Introduction: the original objectives; recent EU announcement, etc;
- Brief overview of 2025 status: preparedness by sector; issues; timing;
- Current challenges & opportunities: operational issues (relevant data, quantification, accessibility); data (gather; reliability; relevance; costs); reporting (status, preparedness);
- Market reactions: industry sectors (differences; needs; relevance; economics); social (public; consumers; NGOs; environmental etc.); other effects (on regulatory; valuations; funding; investments; funds; competitors (status? - other world economies and sectors);
- Q&A and discussion.
The event costs €15 for members and €20 for non-members.
Registration is required via: http://www.abial.lu/events