On Monday 22 April 2024, microlux held a conference dedicated to "Entrepreneurship - a path for all?" at BGL BNP Paribas in Luxembourg-Kirchberg.
The event attracted more than 200 people. Following the welcome address by Béatrice Belorgey, Chair of the BGL BNP Paribas Executive Committee, honorary guest Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg delivered an introductory speech.
Having followed the developments of microlux since its inauguration in 2017, the Grand Duchess highlighted the positive impact of the institution: "Microlux gives a chance for people who have creative ideas but who, excluded from the traditional banking system, do not have the means to realise them. The successful examples presented by microlux show that microcredits can represent an effective tool in the fight against precariousness in Luxembourg." Since its creation, microlux has financed more than 250 entrepreneurs and supported more than 1,000 people.
Cesare A.F. Riillo, senior researcher at STATEC Research, then shared insights from the latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, noting a rise in interest in entrepreneurship but a growing reluctance to take the plunge. This contradiction served as the starting point for a roundtable bringing together Stéphanie Damgé, Director of Entrepreneurship at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Fabienne Colling, director of Touchpoints, and three entrepreneurs. The discussions touched on issues such as fear of failure, the importance of initial financial stability, and different strategies to minimise risks when starting a business. They highlighted that there is no standard profile for success in entrepreneurship, but that support and access to resources such as those offered by the House of Entrepreneurship, Touchpoints or microlux can greatly facilitate the entrepreneurial journey.
Entrepreneurs Eulecia Monteiro Gomes (EMG Coaching), Kay Weber (CT For You) and Sobhan Naderi (Naderi Photography) shared their personal motivations for becoming independent and the benefits gained from their journeys, highlighting the diversity of entrepreneurial experiences.
After the conference, the Grand Duchess visited the stands run by entrepreneurs supported by microlux, where she was able to appreciate the realisation of about ten entrepreneurial projects and their leaders' development.