The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) for Luxembourg, the Office of the European Parliament and the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg have announced an online conference on Brexit, taking place on Thursday 17 December 2020 at 18:00.
On 31 December 2020, the transition period following the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union will come to an end. Despite this deadline, negotiations on the future relations appear to be deadlocked. What has happened since the British referendum of 2016? Why haven't the negotiations been concluded yet? What can we expect from UK-EU relations in the future?
Such questions will be addressed during the conference "EU-Talk: Brexit - The State of Play", featuring Daniel Eischen, Chairman of BCC Luxembourg, Christophe Hansen, MEP (PPE / CSV), and Madeleina Kay, an anti-Brexit activist (UK).
The discussion will be moderated by Jonathan Ponchon, PR Officer at the European Parliament.
The conference will be held in English, with a simultaneous interpretation in French. In order to follow the conference in French, viewers must be connected in Zoom. Questions can be asked in English, French, German or Luxembourgish. These should be sent in advance via email (with the subject "EU-Talk Brexit"):
To register for this webinar, visit