Credit: Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner

Ahead of 15 February, International Childhood Cancer Day, the Luxembourg-based Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner charity announced it will take stock of its 2023 activity and describe the patient's journey within the Fondatioun.

100 children are diagnosed with cancer today in Europe. Every year, nearly 6,000 children die from cancer and yet, according to the Fondatioun, less than 10% of the young patients have access to innovative treatment.

Last year, 314 families, including 30 new patients aged seventeen and under, were supported by the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner, which has been working for 35 years to develop its services, exclusively thanks to the generosity of the general public.

The journey with Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner begins during diagnosis at the national pediatric onco-hematology service (Service National d'Onco-Hématologie - SNOHP), which puts families in touch with the Fondatioun. Then, thanks to its multidisciplinary team, the Fondatioun offers a wide range of services which vary according to needs throughout the illness and beyond. The charity intervenes at different levels and offers psycho-social monitoring, educational support and administrative and financial assistance.

Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner makes three infrastructures available to the families concerned: the "Maison des Enfants" (children's house) in Strassen, the "Appartement de Convalescence" (apartment of convalescence) on the Belgian coast and "Maison Losch, Maison des Parents" (parents' house) in Brussels, Belgium, where families can stay during periods when their child is hospitalised.

As part of its awareness-raising work, the Fondatioun is very involved in the second national cancer plan (Plan national Cancer 2020-2024 - PNC2) aiming to improve the condition of the patient and their immediate environment. The charity is calling for the facilitation of leave for family reasons to allow, for example, parents to take the leave jointly, particularly in a palliative situation. Likewise, compassionate leave in the event of the death of a child should be increased from five to 20 days, as is the case in Greece and Portugal, to allow real recognition of the beginning of mourning.

At the European level, the Fondatioun is mobilising to raise awareness among future deputies in their mission to make the right choices regarding legislative initiatives and budgetary adjustments in order to increase the number of children who survive thanks to better, more innovative treatments. Depending on the place of residence and the place of treatment, the cure rate can vary by 20% in Europe, the association emphasised; every child should have the same chance to recover.

Finally, the Fondatioun is hosting two events to contribute to major projects on Saturday 6 July 2024, the second edition of the Rally of the Heart takes place in Luxembourg and on Saturday 28 September 2024, the seventh edition of the LËTZ GO GOLD solidarity race will be put on. The fundraising carried out on this occasion will support the Fight Kids Cancer initiative, which has the vision of “curing all children with cancer” as explained by Anne Goeres, Director of the Fondatioun. “This year, funds raised at the race will be dedicated solely to projects related to brain tumours, which are among the deadliest.

The Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner, recognised as a public utility, only works through donations. Its annual accounts are audited each year and it also complies with the code of good conduct of an "ASBL" (non-profit organisation).