Credit: LUkraine asbl

On Friday 20 October 2023, the European Parliament awarded LUkraine asbl the European Citizen's Prize 2023 for the "Ukraine is Calling" project.

Whilst the winners of this year's European Citizen's Prize were announced back in June, the award ceremonies are taking place in Luxembourg and Brussels in October. LUkraine's "Ukraine is Calling" project took home the prize for Luxembourg, with the award ceremony held on Friday at Foyer Européen in Luxembourg-Gare.

Among those present were Christoph Schroeder, Head of Unit of the Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Luxembourg, Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Isabel Wiseler-Lima, European Parliament quaestor, and Tilly Metz, MEP.

The European Citizen's Prize, awarded by the European Parliament, recognises initiatives that contribute to European cooperation and the promotion of common values. This year saw a total of 216 applications. "Ukraine is Calling" featured among the 38 winners from 25 EU member states

"Ukraine is Calling' is a fundraising campaign that aims to procure 112 emergency vehicles, including fire engines and ambulances, to save lives during the war in Ukraine. LUkraine noted that the country has lost over 500 ambulances and 1,700 fire engines since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022. To date, "Ukraine is Calling" - launched in October 2022 - has provided Ukraine with a total of 47 emergency vehicles. This includes eight vehicles donated by Luxembourg's Ministry of Home Affairs and the delivery of fourteen armoured ambulances to frontline territories.

Nicolas Zharov, President of LUkraine asbl, stated: "This award is not just a recognition; it's a testament to solidarity and the common European and Ukrainian values of freedom and democracy. We are united by our diversity and shared humanity, which will guide Ukraine through these dark times. We dedicate this award to all the partners, donors, volunteers and European citizens who have contributed to the project, as well as to our team and, of course, to the heroes without weapons, the rescuers of Ukraine, who, under inhumane and life-threatening conditions, have tirelessly saved innocent lives."

"I would like to reassure everyone that Ukraine is not forgotten, and in every session and meeting in the European Parliament, Ukraine is on our agenda. Specifically, we discuss Ukrainian women and children refugees in Europe and the financial aid for Ukraine in 2024-2027, which totals up to €50 billion," explained European Parliament Vice-President Marc Angel. "We are pleased that Ukraine has the status of a candidate for the European Union and will support its efforts to meet all the criteria required for membership. This award is very well deserved, and we encourage you to keep working toward this ambitious goal!"

A team of rescuers from Ukraine's Emergency Services in Kyiv also attended the event. Oleksandr Korotun, Colonel of Civil Protection and Deputy Head of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia region, emphasised: "Since the full-scale invasion by Russia, Ukrainian rescuers have been involved in more than 320,000 rescue operations, saving over 12,000 lives. We are often the first responders to Russian attacks, and our teams frequently come under secondary attacks, resulting in the loss of our colleagues. Additionally, we continually lose fire [engines], emergency vehicles and other equipment. We deeply appreciate the help Luxembourg has already provided us and urge you to continue supporting Ukraine. Together, we are on the path to victory."

As part of its awareness-raising efforts, LUkraine has displayed exhibits featuring fire engines and ambulances destroyed by Russian troops in Ukraine across Europe, including in Luxembourg, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The final destination will be The Hague in the Netherlands, in front of the International Criminal Court (ICC). According to LUkraine, "this symbolises our collective commitment to ensuring that all war crimes are punished, and justice is restored."

The "Ukraine is Calling" project has gained the support of the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, the Embassy of Ukraine in Belgium, Luxembourg's Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works and the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps.