On Monday 6 January 2025, Luxembourg's Ministry of Health and social Security confirmed details of all changes to social parameters that are applicable from 1 January 2025.

We have already published details on the 2.6% increase to the minimum social wage (for 15-17 year-old, 17-18 year-old and 18 year-olds) on 31 December, and the 1.6% increase to pensions on 18 December.

From 1 January 2025, other changes now include the REVIS social inclusion income relating to persons with disabilities, as well as the new amounts of the cost of living allowance and energy bonuses applicable in 2025.

Social Inclusion Allowance: €1,849.29/month per person living alone; €2,774.08 for two people living together, with €529.17 per additional adult and €168.21 per child

Cost of Living Allowance: €1,817/month/person, etc.

Energy Bonus: €600/month/person (€300 reduced), etc.

The applicable index rating remains unchanged at 944.43.