Minister Eric Thill;

On 25 September 2024, Luxembourg's Minister of Culture, Eric Thill, presented the bill to amend the law of 25 February 2022 on cultural heritage; the aim of this bill is to simplify the procedures for the protection of architectural, archaeological and movable heritage, while preserving the fundamental principles of the law.

Full coverage of the costs of preventive archaeological excavations

In accordance with the coalition agreement, the State will cover all the costs incurred by preventive archaeological excavations, which were previously covered up to 50%. This amendment will reduce the costs of construction work in a context of crisis in the real estate sector. In the interests of administrative simplification, it is planned to introduce an exemption from archaeological assessments for existing road works, located entirely within the sub-zone of the archaeological observation zone (ZOA).

Movable heritage: introduction of criteria for the classification of cultural property

For the movable heritage component, the bill provides for the introduction of objective criteria for the classification of cultural property as national cultural heritage that must be met cumulatively. These are the criteria of authenticity and integrity, exemplarity, rarity and the state of conservation of the object. A second amendment aims to create a list of cultural property of heritage interest, which aims to recognise and promote cultural property that, although it does not meet all the criteria listed above, is of significant heritage interest.

"With this bill, we will strengthen the protection of our heritage while streamlining administrative procedures. The full coverage of the costs of preventive archaeological excavations will provide direct support and better predictability to project owners. In addition, this law will introduce clear and objective criteria for the classification of cultural property, as well as simpler procedures," emphasised Minister Thill.

As of 27 August 2024, a total of 2,369 buildings and objects are protected, of which 1,268 are classified as national cultural heritage, 26 protected by intention of classification and 950 included in the supplementary inventory.