The Grand Ducal Police have reported that they responded to several incidents during the evening of Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 July 2024.

At around 17:00 on Saturday, a brawl was reported between several people in the upper town, near Hamilius in Luxembourg-Ville. The police established at the scene that two people were wielding knives and threatening others with them. The police officers asked both to drop the knives and lie on the ground. After they complied with this request, they were immobilised for safety reasons, with one of them putting up resistance by kicking the officers, the police added. Both were taken to the police station for further official action. On the orders of the public prosecutor's office, they were treated for identification purposes and the knives were confiscated. A report on the knives was filed.

Around 02:25 on Sunday, during a stand-off on Rives de Clausen in Luxembourg-Grund, police officers saw a man punch another man in the face at the Pont Margot Libens-Reiffers bridge. The police officers ran towards the fight location and asked the man to stop. The man then fled on foot, whereupon the police officers took up the chase. After the officers caught up with the man, a scuffle reportedly broke out between him and the officers. The man was immobilised on the ground for safety reasons. As the man reportedly posed a danger to himself and others and was also heavily intoxicated, he was taken into custody.

Moreover, a total of 40 disturbances of the peace or night noise disturbances were reported to the police. In most cases, the matter was resolved on-site.