The Luxembourg institute for regulation (Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation - ILR) has provided an update regarding the sale of lost and unclaimed parcels organised in pop-up shops and online.
The institute pointed out that under the amended law of 26 December 2012 on postal services, any Luxembourg postal item belongs to the sender as long as it has not been delivered to the recipient. If a postal service provider operating in Luxembourg is unable to deliver the item, i.e. deliver the item to the recipient, and subsequently identify the sender for its return, the service provider has to hand over this postal item to the ILR. The latter is exclusively responsible for processing undeliverable items originating in Luxembourg and determines the beneficiary to allow the item to be returned. If the rights holder cannot be identified, the ILR explained it will then decide on the fate of these items in question. It is therefore legally impossible for any third person to process and/or sell an undeliverable postal item from the Luxembourg territory, originating from the activity of a postal service provider in Luxembourg.
The ILR also stressed that it contacted a company that recently organised sales of “lost parcels” in Luxembourg. The latter confirmed to the ILR upon request that it does not sell parcels originating in Luxembourg.