Recovered stolen watch; Credit: Grand Ducal Police

On Monday 27 May 2024, the Grand Ducal Police announced two separate incidents concerning a stolen car in Remerschen and the arrest of two suspected burglars in Bascharage.

In the early morning on Sunday 26 May 2024, the police confirmed that two suspicious individuals were reported in Rue Emile Bofferding in Bascharage who had hidden behind a house. A police patrol immediately went to the scene but was initially unable to find the people.

A short time later, a police patrol in Bascharage was able to observe two men, who may have been the individuals previously reported, as they first lingered briefly on a construction site with torchlights, walked around a house and tried to prise open the door and then went into a hotel, where they then tried to open several doors. The two suspects were then seized by the officers. A stolen watch was also confiscated during the body search. They were arrested by order of the public prosecutor's office and were brought before the investigating judge on the afternoon of the same day.

In this context, the police noted they are seeking the owner of the recovered watch, which was presumably previously stolen during a burglary. The watch’s owner should contact the Esch-sur-Alzette police station at tel.: 24450-1000 or by mail:

Also on Sunday morning, the Grand Ducal Police police noted they were informed by their German counterparts that a vehicle previously stolen in Germany had been located at a petrol station in Remerschen. The vehicle and the driver were located shortly after by a police patrol. A file, a crowbar and a bag of methamphetamine were seized from the vehicle, according to the police. A report was drawn up by order of the public prosecutor's office and the van was confiscated.