On Monday 4 March 2024, the LCGB and OGBL trade unions have composed a joint letter and have sent it to Luxembourg's Minister of Health and Social Security regarding the situation concerning the CMCM which they describe as "worrying".

According to the OGBL and the LCGB, safeguarding the jobs of CMCM employees and defending the interests of members affiliated with the CMCM must take priority. In this context, that have claimed that particular responsibility falls in this context to the Minister of Health and Social Security as the aggregation of mutual societies is among her ministerial responsibilities.

The OGBL and the LCGB have asked the Minister to carry out an audit of the CMCM "in order to confirm the findings drawn in 2022 by an internal CMCM report and made public".

The letter refers to a change in governance of the CMCM and the functioning of the general management of the CMCM, the largest mutual (health organisation). They have claimed that there are tensions within the CMCM board of directors and also referred to a lack of confidence in the general management currently in place.