During the morning of Wednesday 17 January 2024, teams from the CGDIS and the Roads and Bridges Administration had to intervene on more than 180 occasions with around fifty ambulances until midday.
A total of 83 people falling were recorded. The CGDIS later increased this number to 92.
Up to 14:00, 33 traffic accidents were reported to the Grand Ducal Police. And according to the CGDIS, a total of 626 volunteer and professional firefighters were mobilised.
Luxembourg's Minister of Internal Affairs, Léon Gloden, expressed the recognition of the government for the good cooperation between the different state entities and thanked the agents and volunteers for their availability and their commitment over the recent hours, as well as residents for having respected official instructions.
Residents are asked to follow developments in the situation from official sources, www.meteolux.lu, www.infocrise.lu, @infocriseLU, @CGDISlux, as well as the national media.