(L-R) Eric Krier, ASBL Make It; n.a.; Joao Martins, ASBL Make It; Taina Bofferding, Minister for Equality between Women and Men; Steffi Plank, ASBL Make It; Credit: MEGA

On Wednesday 23 March 2022, Luxembourg's Minister for Equality, Taina Bofferding, signed a collaboration agreement with the Make It asbl to promote gender equality from an early age.

The Make It asbl, recognised for its interactive mediation approach, offers creative workshops for children of all ages that raise awareness of gender stereotypes in the field of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) through tools such as "Rocking Robots" and "Pimp my toy". The objective of these workshops is that girls and boys can let their creativity run free when building their own robot.

For Minister Bofferding, it is essential to promote an awareness of equality between women and men from an early age: "We are optimistic that these gender stereotypes, which may still hold us back today, lose their strength in tomorrow's society. What matters is that every young person can develop their potential without being influenced by clichés, in the scientific field as well as in all other areas of daily life. Finally, it is a concrete action to stimulate the creativity of young people, to regain self-confidence and to help bridge the gender gap in the field of STEAM".

The workshops of the Make It asbl will be available in the MEGA Catalogue of projects and actions in favour of equality between women and men. The detailed programme is available on www.rockmega.lu and workshops can be booked free of charge via email: events@mega.public.lu.