J. Randolph Evans, US Ambassador to Luxembourg; Credit: Embassy of the United States in Luxembourg

The Ministry of State and the service for remembering the Second World War (Service de la Mémoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale) announced today that the ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe, scheduled for 8 May 2020 in Luxembourg-Ville, will no longer go ahead.

In accordance with the decisions taken by the government to fight against the spread of coronavirus, the planned commemorative ceremony has been cancelled.

In order to pay tribute to the victims of Nazism, the Luxembourg government and the Committee for the Remembrance of the Second World War (Comité pour la mémoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale) have decided to place flowers in front of the memorials in Luxembourg City.

For its part, the Embassy of the United States in Luxembourg will post a video (on its website and social media platforms) of an event recorded at the Luxembourg American Cemetery in Luxembourg-Hamm this Friday 8 May 2020 at 13:00 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day). No visitors will be allowed to attend the commemoration at the cemetery.

The US Ambassador to Luxembourg, J. Randolph Evans, stated: "VE Day is too important to simply let it come and go under the cover of the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, it remains as important as ever. As a result, the Embassy of the United States will honour it with renewed appreciation of its significance”.