Galerie39 in Dudelange will host the vernissage of the exhibition "TWOGETHER: Photographer Meets Painter" on Sunday 12 November 2023 at 16:00.
This event is open to the public and marks the inauguration of a joint exhibition of two renowned Luxembourgish artists: Marc Theis and Fernand Roda.
At the nexus of reality and fantasy, "TWOGETHER: Photographer Meets Painter" is not just a collaboration of two artists - it is a convergence of worlds. As reported by Galerie39, Marc Theis, a celebrated photographer entrusted with documenting the evolution of Luxembourg-Kirchberg by the Fonds de Kirchberg in 2019, and Fernand Roda, a visionary painter renowned for his captivating works, have sculpted a display that defies convention.
Reflecting on the origin of this unique partnership, marrying photography and painting, Marc Theis commented: "In my extensive network of artist friends spanning three decades, Fernand emerged as the natural choice. The essence of this project demanded a blend of the real and the mystical, a marriage of actuality and imagination."
Fernand Roda's enchanting paintings embellish Marc Theis' captured images of Kirchberg, Luxembourg City's bustling business district. As Remy Berchem, owner of Galerie39, explained: "The result is splendid - a project that takes viewers on a voyage of artistic ingenuity, where the boundaries of photography and painting meld into unparalleled masterpieces."
Kirchberg's metamorphosis, as documented by Marc Theis for the Fonds de Kirchberg, unfolds through his lens, illustrating the district's transition from a pastoral landscape to the bustling epicentre of commerce and governance. "Kirchberg's journey mirrors a fantastical tale. From its pastoral roots to its current grandeur, the transformation is remarkable," noted Marc Theis, a Luxembourger who currently lives in Hanover, Germany.
Amid the modernity of Kirchberg, Fernand Roda's artistic touch introduces a whimsical dimension. Hidden amongst the threads of the mundane are dream-like creatures waiting to be discovered by those willing to embrace imagination. "Kirchberg's secret life, akin to the enchanting world of dreams and folklore, finds its deserved place in our exhibition," the Düsseldorf-based Luxembourgish painter explained. "We invite visitors, irrespective of age or profession, to rekindle their imagination." Fernand Roda previously exhibited his works at Galerie39 in late 2021.
Following the vernissage on 12 November, "TWOGETHER: Photographer Meets Painter" will run until 10 December 2023 at Galerie39 (39 Route de Hellange, 3487 Dudelange).