The British-Luxembourg Society (BLS) has announced that it is offering a beginners' art course from September.
The course will be run by BLS Council Member and Art Professor Lynda Shephard, who taught an intermediate class on “hands-on” drawing and watercolour painting last year.
The beginners' course will start in the 2021-22 academic year and will take place on Tuesdays from 18:30 to 20:00 at the Lycée Michel Lucius in Luxembourg-Limpertsberg.
BLS members have priority (maximum class size is likely to be ten). No experience is necessary. Lynda Shephard will help participants buy their own brushes and paper and give them all the information needed in the first lesson.
Those interested in the beginners' course are invited to consult and register on the website https://b-l-s.lu/courses/course-registration/art-practical-drawing-and-watercolour-course-2021-2022-beginners.
An advanced course is also offered on Wednesday evenings at the same time; only a few places are left. Further details are available at https://b-l-s.lu/courses/course-registration/art-advanced-water-colour-techniques-2021-2022-1st-tri.
Lynda Shephard is also considering the possibility of organising art events outside the course, such as trips into nature or a visit to an interesting building to sketch or paint, followed by a drink together or even a meal.
The tuition fee each trimester (ten lessons of 90 minutes each) for members is €80 (a reduction of €10). There is a €25 fee each trimester for paints.
For any enquiries, contact the BLS Course Administrator, Chris Atkinson, via email: Courses@B-L-S.lu.
If you have trouble accessing information or registering on the website, contact BLS Webmaster, Graham Jarvis, via email: webmaster@B-L-S.lu.