On Monday 29 April 2024, the Liberec Children's Choir (Severáček) from the Czech Republic performed an open-air lunchtime concert from the bandstand at the Place d'Armes in Luxembourg city centre.
The concert saw the return of the 40-strong Severáček choir to Luxembourg; they were last here two years ago for the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of Operation Anthropoid and the tragic fate of the residents of Lidice and Ležáky. Then they performed the "Requiem for Lidice" and other songs, enhancing the memory of the heroism of the soldiers and civilians who gave their lives in the unique action to remove the tyrant Heydrich, the architect of the Holocaust.
While the temperatures had risen there were some dark clouds overhead, but the rain held off for a delightful concert lasting around 40 minutes.
Led by choirmaster Silvie Langrova with Eva Dvorakova on piano (with one song performed a capella), the teenagers performed a mix of Czech and Moravian folk songs, works by Czech and European composers, with some also in French and the finale an African tradition song, using drums and drumsticks for added percussion and rhythm. Their performances were warmly appreciated by the gathered crowd who applauded loudly after each song.
The choir performed well in Neerpelt, Belgium, where the younger members won 1st prize with Cum laude and the older ones 1st prize in the folklore category.
Following the Luxembourg concert, they are continuing on to France where they will perform at the Chateau of Chambord, Vendome and Landes de Gaulois near Blois, where Severáček has been performing for decades.