As Media Partner for the Pop(corn) Culture series, the Luxembourg Chronicle is offering FREE tickets to the screening of Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens 2D on Monday 29 February 2016 at Utopolis-Belval at 18:30.
The Luxembourg Chronicle is Media Partner for the 8th annual Pop(corn) Culture series of film screenings in collaboration with Utopia SA and the University of Luxembourg. The cycle addresses film and popular culture and is held in conjunction with the university's Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (BCE), as well as being open to members of the public to attend. Following each screening, a discussion is held in French / German / English, often with some specialist(s) from the University in attendance.
To apply for your FREE tickets to the screening of Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens 2D on Monday 29 February please send an email to Geoff@Chronicle.lu with “Pop(corn) Culture: Star Wars VII” in the subject line (without the quotation marks). The draw will be made at noon on Wednesday 24 February. Winners will be contacted directly. Winning tickets will be available at the venue on the day.
Winner: Vincent VILLEM