
At 17:00 on Tuesday 25 March 2025, Luxembourg's statistical institute, STATEC, will host an online Economic Seminar which will highlight the impact of climate change on mental health.

As announced by STATEC, the seminar, part of its “Measuring Progress” series, will be presented by Dr Emma Lawrance of Imperial College London and will summarise the evidence base for how climate change and mental health are deeply connected. The online event will also unpack the range of psychological responses to the climate crisis, communicate what narratives and coping strategies are helpful and how, together, we can take mentally and emotionally sustainable action towards a future that centres on wellbeing.

Dr Lawrance leads the Climate Cares Centre at Imperial College London, where she works with a diverse group of experts to better understand and respond to the interconnections between climate change and mental health. Her group also works in collaboration with the Connecting Climate Minds global initiative. She holds degrees in physics, chemistry, science communications and neuroscience.

According to STATEC, the seminar will detail how climate change is negatively impacting not only physical health but also mental health, as individuals and communities cope with climate stresses and shocks and threats to their and future generations' welfare. For instance, how people living with mental health conditions are more likely to die during a heatwave, as well as how the experiences of extreme weather, climate events and their consequences can lead to grief, distress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and even suicide.

STATEC also stated that, without support, an increasing psychological burden can limit the capacity of individuals and communities to undertake the necessary climate adaptations and mitigation actions. While the climate crisis is a risk multiplier for mental health, conversely, climate action is an opportunity to create a world that better supports good mental health.

The webinar will be held in English via Cisco Webex and will be recorded. 

Registration is required to attend the event and can be undertaken at:

Venue: Online

Organiser: STATEC

Price: Free

Reservations: See above