
Despite of the cancellation of the International Bazaar this year, the Hungarian stand of the International Bazaar is continuing with its successful annual fund-raising film screening event which will take place on 29 September 2020 at 19:30 in the Salle Robert Krieps of the Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg-Grund.

The film being screened is "The Witness – A tanú" which is widely regarded as the No. 1 Hungarian cult classic since the 1980s. It is being screeed in it original version, with English subtitles.

The entrance fee is €10, and all contributions will go towards the charities supported by the 2021 “International Bazaar of Luxembourg”.

Synopsis: "The Witness" presents the constant conflict between power and the average person. The film follows the life of Joseph, an ordinary dyke keeper. His life becomes a rollercoaster ride following a "heinous" crime, illegally slaughtering Desiree, his family’s pet pig. He is either intermittently elevated into an important position, generally reserved for the communist elite, or jailed. One failure after another, the incompetent and "ideologically under-educated" Joseph is rising higher and higher through the ranks of the communist echelon, all the while remaining completely clueless about his promotions. Until one day, when he is called upon to return the "favour"...

Tickets can be purchased, from 1 September, on, or by calling the ticket office at tel: 262052-444, or before the screening.

Venue: Salle Robert Krieps of the Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg-Grund

Organiser: Hungarian stand of the International Bazaar

Price: €10

Reservations: see above