Infrachain a.s.b.l. is organising a free webinar on blockchain for public authorities, entitled "Transforming public services with distributed ledger technologies", on Wednesday 8 July 2020 at 10:00.
Blockchain and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) are considered the cornerstone of future innovation. They secure processes thereby solving problems related to trust, transparency and confidentiality. In the public sector, as in any other sector, this will bring about a transformation of the services offered.
TOKEN is a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The TOKEN ecosystem will facilitate the adoption of Blockchain and DLT technologies by providing public administrations with components adapted to their needs. TOKEN will demonstrate the added value provided by Blockchain via concrete and replicable use cases.
Infrachain's upcoming webinar will address how to transform public services with DLTs. This webinar is part of the TOKEN project. The two-hour webinar is intended for anyone interested in the use of DLTs in the public sector: municipal and national administrations, developers and IT managers in the public sector and in the private sector working for the public sector, regulators, researchers and citizens.
The webinar will explore how governments can adopt solutions that help manage processes in a more open, reliable, efficient and transparent manner.
Pēteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit, Digital Innovation and Blockchain at DG Connect (European Commission), will deliver a key note speech on the relevance and possibilities of DLTs in transforming public services and creating more fair and sustainable societies. Carlo Gambucci, Director of the Intercommunal IT Management Syndicate (SIGI), will present the Blockchain initiatives launched in the Luxembourg municipal sector. Meanwhile, Juanita Devis of the Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC) in Belgium will present a use case deployed in the city of Leuven. A panel of experts including representatives from the Ministry of Digitalisation, the Interreg project BLING (Blockchain in Government), the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and INATBA will discuss how to support decentralised ecosystems in the public sector.
The full programme and registration details are available at https://infrachain.com/token-webinar.
Venue: Online
Organiser: Infrachain a.s.b.l.
Price: Free
Reservations: See above