The University of Luxembourg has announced the event "Hope and Anger: an experiment on inequality and antisocial behavior", taking place on 4 April 2019 at the Nancy-Metz Room of the JFK Building in Luxembourg City at 12:30.
This LSF Lunch Seminar will deal with the idea that economic inequality may fuel frustration, possibly leading to antisocial behaviour. Maria Bigoni (University of Bologna) will present the results of a study of a situation where only the rich can reduce inequality while the poor can express their discontent by destroying the wealth of a rich counterpart. The study similarly tested whether the emergence of such forms of antisocial behaviour depends only on the level of inequality, or also on the conditions under which inequality occurs.
More information is available at https://wwwen.uni.lu/university/news/events/hope_and_anger_an_experiment_on_inequality_and_antisocial_behavior.
Venue: Nancy-Metz Room of the JFK Building (29 avenue Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg)
Organiser: University of Luxembourg
Price: n/a
Reservations: See: https://wwwen.uni.lu/university/news/events/hope_and_anger_an_experiment_on_inequality_and_antisocial_behavior