The finals of the FLT Masters by Cardif Lux Vie tennis tournament are taking place at the Centre National de Tennis (CNT) in Esch-sur-Alzette on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November 2024.
The doubles finals are set for 17:00 on Saturday. The confirmed doubles players are: Christophe Tholl/Robi Tholl vs Charles Berna/Noé Plique in the men's category; Tatiana Silbereisen/Onalee Wagner vs Eléonora Molinaro/Lucie Rabiot in the women's category.
The singles finals will be played on Sunday from 14:00 for women and from 15:30 for men.
Venue: Centre National de Tennis (Boulevard Hubert Clément, L-4064 Esch-sur-Alzette)
Organiser: FLT
Price: n/a
Reservations: n/a
URL: For details, see https://www.flt.lu/competitions/flt-masters-by-cardif-lux-vie