As part of Earth Day on Monday 22 April 2024, a collective of local civil society organisations is organising a march in celebration of the Earth; participants will meet at 17:30 at Luxembourg Railway Station (Gare) before walking together to the front of the Chamber of Deputies (Luxembourg's parliament).
This march is open to anyone who wants to live on a healthy planet and in societies more attentive to the needs of people and the environment. "Let's march for a different future. A future where we have successfully transformed our lifestyles and made our societies more sustainable and resilient," the organisers said in a press release.
Participants are invited to don blue and green clothes, symbols of our planet, and to bring their globes and signs with ecological slogans.
"Together, we want to send a strong message to public authorities and show - in a positive and inclusive way, all united by our desire to protect our planet and celebrate its beauty - that they should not delay," explained the organisers, who are sending their list of demands to the public authorities. Among these demands are for the Luxembourg government to: commit consistently and ambitiously to an ambitious and just transition for Luxembourg; strengthen Luxembourg's responsibilities beyond its borders; amplify a societal transition in the service of the common good.
Sign creation workshops have been taking place ahead of the march since last Thursday, with the next ones scheduled for Monday from 10:00 at Luxembourg Railway Station, as part of CFL - Earth Day, and from 15:00 at Facilitec in Esch-sur-Alzette.
This collective is composed of the following civil society organisations: Afrilanthropy, ASTM, Caritas Luxembourg, CELL, Cercle de Coopération des ONGD, Commission luxembourgeoise "Justice et Paix", Coup de pouce, Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg, EurosolarLëtzbuerg, Erwuessebildung, etika, Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg, FdH, Fondation Partage Luxembourg, Forum, Fondation pour l’accès au logement (as part of "Oneplanetluxemburg"), Friddens- a Solidaritéitsplattform, Gaialux, Greenpeace Luxembourg, Jugendrot/CGJL, Julie Conrad Design Studio, Klimabündnis Lëtzbuerg, Life, OGBL, ProVelo, Senior for Climate Luxembourg, SOS Faim Luxembourg, Transition Minett, Up Foundation and Wecitizens.
For futher information about this "March for Earth", visit: http://bibe.cell.lu/fr/initiative/marche_pour_la_terre.
Venue: Departs Gare de Luxembourg
Organiser: See above
Price: Free
Reservations: n/a
URL: For details, see http://bibe.cell.lu/fr/initiative/marche_pour_la_terre