Two performances of the English- (and German-) language play A Family Business will take place at the Théâtre des Capucins in Luxembourg-Ville on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 January 2024 from 20:00.
Chris Thorpe is a British writer, performer and associate at Manchester’s powerhouse Royal Exchange. His interest in psychology led him to research cognitive processing and create and perform in a trilogy of provocative productions about the way people think. The first two were monologues with songs developed with the award-winning Rachel Chavkin. Confirmation was about the biases of the brain and Status (seen in Luxembourg in 2019) dealt with our understanding of nationality. A Family Business, also co-developed by Rachel Chavkin and Lekan Lawal, is the latest production of the trio. It explores the threat posed by nuclear weapons and asks how politicians can process the unthinkable enough to make decisions for the rest of us. The cast of four is directed by Claire O’Reilly.
Suitable for audiences aged fourteen and older. This play will also feature strobe effects. An English-language introduction to the play by Janine Goedert will take place 30 minutes before every performance.
After the performance on Wednesday 24 January 2023, a Q&A will take place in the presence of Dr Guillaume Trapp and Ian De Toffoli, organised in collaboration with Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg.
Tickets cost €20, €15 or €8 for adults, €8 for youth and Kulturpass is welcome.
For further details and reservations, visit https://theatres.lu/fr/afamilybusiness.
Venue: Théâtre des Capucins (9 Place du Théâtre 2613 Luxembourg)
Organiser: Théâtre des Capucins
Price: €20, €15 or €8
Reservations: See above
URL: For details, see https://theatres.lu/fr/afamilybusiness