To mark both International Day for Older Persons and International Men's Day, the municipality of Steinfort is organising a round table discussion on "Men's health - a taboo?" at the Hôpital Intercommunal Steinfort (HIS) on Wednesday 8 November 2023 at 18:30.
Organised in collaboration with the Commission for Senior Citizens and the Social and Equal Opportunities Commission, this discussion will bring together healthcare experts to explore the issues surrounding men's health.
The panel, moderated by Anja Di Bartolomeo, will include neurologist Dr Alexandre Bisdorff, clinical geneticist (LNS) Prof Dr Barbara Klink and geriatrician Dr Alexandre Melchior, as well as Walid Megharbi and Louis Seghetto from infoMann and Ralph Kass from Luxembourg's Ministry of Equality between Women and Men.
The panellists will share their knowledge and perspectives on the challenges of men's health, particularly looking at common diseases and how to prevent them. The aim is to raise awareness of the links between diseases and symptoms.
The discussions will take place in Luxembourgish, although simultaneous translation into French or English is available upon request (i.e. inform the organisers when registering).
Registration closes on Tuesday 31 October 2023. Further information is available online at https://activites.steinfort.lu/fr/activites?detail=177 or via tel.: 39 93 13-1.
Various information stands will be present and some free basic tests (e.g. to check one's blood pressure) will be available on-site ahead of the round table (17:00-18:30).
Venue: Hôpital Intercommunal de Steinfort (1 Rue de l'Hôpital, L-8423 Steinfort)
Organiser: Municipality of Steinfort
Price: n/a
Reservations: See above
URL: For details, see https://activites.steinfort.lu/fr/activites?detail=177