
The Confucius Institute at the University of Luxembourg is organising its Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) at the Maison du Savoir (Grand Auditorium) on Belval Campus on Friday 29 September 2023 at 17:30.


17:30-18:30: Cultural stands
Make your own Chinese lantern, taste traditional Chinese mooncakes and enjoy a Chinese tea ceremony

18:30-18:45: Opening addresses

18:45-19:30: "Bi An-Ting Cha" - Dance, Music and Meditation
Show presented by the Goldsmiths Confucius Institute

19:30: Cocktail reception

Entry is free but prior registration is required via email:

Venue: Maison du Savoir, Grand Auditoire, Belval Campus (2 Avenue de l'Université, L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette)

Organiser: Confucius Institute

Price: Free

Reservations: See above

URL: For details, see