City Open Air Cinema will return to Luxembourg City this summer, from Friday 21 to Friday 28 July 2023.
For the first time, the Cinémathèque will set up shop in the newly renovated Place Guillaume II (Knuedler) in Luxembourg-Ville for a series of open-air film screenings. The square will be fitted out with a large screen and hundreds of seats for the occasion.
Film screenings will start every evening at sunset, around 21:30.
Friday 21 July: Moonrise Kingdom (USA, 2012, 94 mins) by Wes Anderson; in English with French subtitles
Saturday 22 July: Singin in the Rain (USA, 1952, 103 mins) by Stanley Donen; in English with French subtitles
Sunday 23 July: Dunkirk (USA-UK, 2017, 107 mins) by Christopher Nolan; in English with French subtitles
Monday 24 July: Ghostbusters (USA, 1984, 105 mins) by Ivan Reitman; in English with French subtitles
Tuesday 25 July: To Catch a Thief (USA, 1955, 106 mins) by Alfred Hitchcock; in English with French subtitles
Wednesday 26 July: Top Gun (USA, 1986, 110 mins) by Tony Scott; in English with French subtitles
Thursday 27 July: Sing-along: Moulin Rouge! (USA, 2001, 127 mins) by Baz Luhrmann; in English with French subtitles
Friday 28 July: Modern Times (USA, 1936, 83 mins) by Charles "Charlie" Chaplin; in English with French subtitles
For further details, visit www.cinematheque.lu.
Venue: Place Guillaume II (Luxembourg-Ville)
Organiser: Ville de Luxembourg; Cinémathèque
Price: n/a
Reservations: n/a
URL: For details, see https://www.vdl.lu/fr/visiter/art-et-culture/lieux-culturels/cinema/cinematheque