Artemisia Théâtre Asbl will present a stage reading of "Message in a Cloud" at Théâtre Le 10 on Saturday 4 March 2023 at 19:00.
Four writers, four very personal letters (three in English, one in French), written to a mother who passed away a few months ago, to
a son of multiracial parents, to a father with whom silence prevails and to oneself who was
lost and now is found.
Featuring the following writers and readers: Raffaella D’Angelo, Nina Prince Ume, Anne Rasimus and Vinayak Sapru.
Tickets cost €15, with all proceeds going to charity.
For further information and reservations, contact the organisers via tel.: 661-448824 or email: teatro.artemisia@gmail.com.
Venue: Théâtre Le 10 (595 Rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg)
Organiser: Artemisia Théâtre Asbl
Price: €15
Reservations: See above
URL: For details, see https://theatre10.lu/event/artemysia-theatre-4/