The Garage Gang's improvised comedy "New Year New Laughs" show is taking place on Thursday 17 January 2023 from 19:00 to 20:30 at Rocas (33 Rue des Capucins) in Luxembourg-Ville.
This show, an evening of classic unscripted theatre sports, will be all about New Year resolutions, objectives, fears and challenges... Armed only with their own charm, this gang of five improvisers will create stories while competing in absurd challenges all the while making it all up on the spot.
"Are you doing Dry January? Are you drowning the sorrows of your December credit card bill with a pint too many? Are you set on a fitness goal or a career change? Bring all your new year resolutions suggestions to us and we'll create stories inspired by them on the spot in front of your eyes!" said the organisers. "Attending an Improv show is an amazing experience! It's all unplanned and so your ideas shape the story. In return we offer you our glorious failures and plenty of laughs."
The Garage Gang is Luxembourg's only English-speaking Improv group. Improvisers include Claudia Macedonio, Dan Belkin, Dani Sierra, Melissa Dalton and Marc Pinto.
Tickets cost €10 (plus a booking fee) in advance ( or €15 at the door.
Venue: Rocas (33 Rue des Capucins, L-1313 Luxembourg)
Organiser: The Garage Gang
Price: See above
Reservations: See above
URL: For details, see