Credit: VdL

The City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg - VdL) has unveiled its "Kanner in the City" children's summer event, which is taking place in the capital on Friday 2 and Saturday 3 August 2024.

The CAPEL educational and leisure activities centre of the VdL childcare department (Service Foyers Scolaires) is organising this event as part of the children's activities and leisure programme "Aktioun Bambësch" which was created in 1973.

This year, the "Kanner in the City" event is based around the theme "Traust du dich?" (Do you dare?) with activities based on suspenseful games and experiences. Children aged four to twelve and their parents will be able to let off steam and take part in games and workshops offered by the "Aktioun Bambësch" facilitators and professional "Spielmobile" (travelling toy libraries) from various European countries.

The VdL noted that it organises fun activities for families and children throughout the year, for example "Kanner in the City", "Kannerparade", "Winterkids" and the "Spillfest op der Kinnekswiss". Such events form part of the approach to paedagogy through play promoted by CAPEL and encourage the participation of adults and children in games that respect culture, creativity and spontaneity.

"Kanner in the City" will take place in the following locations on Friday 2 August 2024 from 14:30 to 17:30: Place d'Armes, Place Guillaume II, Square Jan Palach, Place des Capucins and Place du Puits-Rouge. The festivities will continue on Saturday 3 August 2024 from 14:30 to 18:30 in Place d'Armes, Place Guillaume II and Square Jan Palach. Participation is free-of-charge.

This event also forms part of the VdL "Summer an der Stad" (Summer in the City) programme.