The Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ILCC) has announced it will organise a presentation at the National Brewery (Bofferding Brewery) and beer tasting event on Wednesday 10 July at 18:00, in Bascharage.

Coming from the home of Guinness, a brand that is synonymous with Ireland, the Irish have an appreciation of beer being part of a national identity: Heineken and Carlsberg are also associated with their home countries. However, the brewing industry is more complex, with major corporations holding a multitude of national and international brands. The ILCC sets out to explore where a national brewery such as Bofferding fits in this context, and how it compares with the many local and regional brewers in Germany, for example. The event aims to have a closer at where the craft beers and micro-breweries fit and what the challenges to beer production are (quality raw materials, water purity and distribution to name a few).

Mathias Lentz, Director of Brasserie Nationale, will hold a presentation on these topics on 10 July 2024 at 18:00. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A which will precede a tour of the brewery and beer tasting. Canapes will also be available.

Prior registration is required, and available at the following link:  or via email to

For security reasons, only those having registered in advance can be admitted. Numbers are limited and registration will be on a first-come basis. The closing date for registrations is Monday 8 July 17:00. ILCC members can join for free; non-members have to pay a ​​€20 fee to ILCC account IBAN: LU13 0028 4100 3296 6600.