Inauguration of the Fun um Glacis 2021; Credit: Ali Sahib

On Saturday 21 August 2021, the replacement for the Schueberfouer - due to COVID-19 restrictions - was inaugurated as the "Fun um Glacis" which will be open until Sunday 12 September 2021, from 11:00 - 23:00 daily.

As part of the summer entertainment programme “D'Stad lieft”, a total of 41 attractions are operating on the area which is normally the city's largest open-air car-park, including attractions (15), games (20) and food and drink stands.

In addition to the Alpina Bahn, the largest transportable roller coaster in the world (without looping) which was present at the Schueberfouer 2019, the largest transportable roller coaster in the world with five loops, the Olympia Looping, is located alongside attractions for children, various games and attractions such as Bayernkurve, Breakdance and Shaker's. 

With its stands of fruit coated in chocolate, caramelised almonds and waffles, as well as various restaurants offering the traditional baked fish, Gromperekichelcher, gyros and other delicacies, the "Fun um Glacis" will satisfy all tastes.

The rides and attractions, as well as the gastronomy are operated according to the usual prices.

COVID-19 is operated at Fun um Glacis.

Photo by Luc Deflorenne, VdL