The Luxembourg Institute for Regulation (ILR) has published its study on tariffs for telecommunications services in 2018.
The study, carried out by the ILR Statistics and Market Intelligence Service, has presented a description of the tariffs for mobile services and fixed Internet access offered by service providers in the Luxembourg retail market in early 2018. The tariff study aims to present in a synthetic and transparent way the cheapest costs of mobile service offers as well as those of service bundles of fixed Internet access for each of the consumption profiles previously defined by the Institute.
The results of the study are established according to the methodology defined by the Institute which consists of determining the monthly costs of each of the offers consulted by consumption profile, then to select the cheapest offers for each of these profiles.
Regarding mobile services, five consumption profiles including calls, SMS and mobile Internet were determined according to a level of use ranging from low to very intensive. For example, one consumption profile was characterised by a medium level of communications including 1.25GB mobile internet and another was characterised by a high level of communications including 2.5GB mobile internet. This profile corresponds to the average usage of the Luxembourgish consumer according to the statistics compiled by the Institute.
For bundled fixed Internet access bundles, the study documented fixed Internet access costs grouped according to common combinations, Single Play "1P" for fixed Internet access only, Dual Play "2P" for fixed-line Internet access, triple-play "3P" for fixed-line telephone and television access and Quadruple Play "4P" for four-service bundles (including subscription mobile services).
The results reflect the situation of the retail telecommunications services market in early 2018, which is likely to change rapidly given the strength of the telecommunications market.
The study is available at https://web.ilr.lu/FR/Professionnels/Communications-electroniques/Statistiques/Rapports.