The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Luxembourg has announced that it is organising a special screening of the film "Nasrin" at Ciné Utopia in Luxembourg-Limpertsberg on Tuesday 7 December 2021 from 18:30, as part of Human Rights Day.
"Nasrin" (90 minutes; in English) is a secretly filmed portrait of Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who is currently in prison for standing up for human rights. The film paints a portrait of Ms Sotoudeh's work as a lawyer and human rights defender and her family life, up until her second imprisonment in 2018, and of the broader Iranian women's rights movement.
The Dutch Embassy emphasised that the promotion and protection of human rights is a cornerstone of Dutch foreign policy.
The event starts at 18:30 with Dutch Ambassador Cees Bansema Luxembourg's Ambassador-at-large for Human Rights, Anne Goedert, delivering the welcome address at 19:00.
Following the film screening, the Director of Amnesty International Luxembourg, Olivier Pirot, will give the concluding remarks. There will then be an opportunity to discuss the film over drinks.
Entry to this CovidCheck event is free but registration is required by 2 December 2021 on the Dutch Embassy website: https://ministerie-van-buitenlandse-zaken.microsoftcrmportals.com/event/sessions?id=Nasrin_Human_Rights_Day_20213936366149#msdynttrid=t8SEId2fpsiTQW7jf1OgvrPJrDHxVnOsNnlJXa00LDY.