The Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal (AEIN) will host two events in Luxembourg next week focusing on the Adivasis, an indigenous community of India: a film screening and a lunch debate.
First up, the association is organising a screening of the film "Johar - Welcome to our World" on Wednesday 5 June 2019 at 19:00. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with the filmmaker Nilanjan Bhattacharya.
"Johar - Welcome to our World" is a must for those interested in food-cultures from around the world, especially since this one focusses on the unique relationship the adivasis (tribals) have with their forests for food. The film documents traditional recipes, the medicinal qualities of various herbs, weeds and fruits and the traditional knowledge of their sustainable management by the adivasis. The film also emphasises how mindless, aggressive development and skewed conservation policies have damaged the tribals’ relationship with their land and pushed them deeper into food insecurity.
The screening is free and take place at Oekozenter Pafendall asbl (6 Rue Vauban, L-2663 Luxembourg). For more details and to register for the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1254485678037593/
The following day, the CITIM and AEIN will host a discussion with Nilanjan Bhattacharya on indigenous communities in modern society, throwing focus on the adivasis (tribals) of India. This lunch debate, taking place on Thursday 6 June 2019 from 12:15 - 13:30, will focus on the constant battles faced by indigenous people worldwide for their basic rights. Everyone is welcome to this debate. Moreover, Nilanjan Bhattacharya will show clips from the film “Johar – Welcome to our world” in order to elaborate insights on the adivasis of India.
The debate, taking place at CITIM (55 Avenue de la Liberté, L-1931 Luxembourg), is free to attend and participants can bring their own lunch. For more details on the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1049851901875400/