Credit: ALVA

The Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA) has announced the recall of Auchan brand prawns over the presence of Vibrio vulnificus bacteria.

The following product has been recalled: "Gambas entières crues décongelées" (whole raw thawed prawns) from the Auchan brand, with the barcode 3254562419603, lot number 74246 and use-by date 07/09/2024.

The product has been sold in Auchan stores in Luxembourg.

ALVA warned that food poisoning caused by Vibrio vulnificus can occasionally result in mild gastrointestinal disorders in healthy individuals, but also in severe non-intestinal disorders (generalised infection / septicemia) in susceptible individuals or those with pre-existing chronic conditions. In addition, skin infections are likely to occur from pre-existing wounds when handling the products.

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