The College of Aldermen of the Municipality of Mamer today announced its decision to set up a home delivery service for groceries for individuals at higher risk of serious illness from coronavirus.
This grocery delivery service is aimed at guaranteeing access to essential supplies for people over 65 or those who suffer from one of the following diseases: diabetes; cardiovascular diseases; chronic respiratory diseases; cancer; a weak immune system due to illness or therapy.
People who fall into one or more of these categories can make use of the service by placing an order via tel.: 310031-41. A staff member will then make the purchases and deliver them to the person's home. Beneficiaries of the service are also required to sign an order form to confirm that the products have been received, after which payment should be made by an invoice sent by the municipality. No payment will be required upon delivery.
In the case of prescription-only medication, beneficiaries are asked to notify the service in advance so that a staff member can pick up the prescription at the individual's home. All information will be treated confidentially.
Regarding the "meals on wheels" or home delivery service, the municipal administration has contacted restaurant owners in order to guarantee the provision of meals to residents. The municipality will publish an updated list of restaurants offering home delivery on its website. For people identified as vulnerable or at high risk, the College of Alderman has also recalled that the town offers a "meal on wheels service", which can be ordered via tel.: 310031-41. Dishes are delivered cold, if necessary, to be reheated at home.
The College of Aldermen has also set up the Facebook page "Action solidarité Covid-19 Commune de Mamer” (www.facebook.com/solidaritecovid19mamer) which functions as a platform on which individuals, groups or associations wishing to offer assistance to others can share their offer and contact details.
In addition, the municipal administration recalled that it is now operating on a reduced service until further notice. The extended Wednesday schedule has also been cancelled. Residents are asked to travel in person to the administration only when necessary. For more information, visit www.mamer.lu or tel.: at 310031-1.