The Romania Luxemburg Business Forum Asbl (Romlux) has announced the event "Investing in Art & the Art of Investing", taking place on 9 April 2019 at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
The event, which forms part of the Romanian Entrepreneurs Network (REN), is dedicated to art, financial investments and neuroscience- and the link between them. On this occasion, guest speaker Prof Dr. Jan de Maere will unveil the secrets of the emotional impact generated by art and share the physiology behind the excitement that provokes a masterpiece. The event will similarly present the entrepreneurial link that exists between Jan de Maere and Romania, in particular Transylvania.
The next speaker, Remus Botarro, the successor in art of the greatest modern sculptor Constantin Brancusi, will lead a vivid discussion around the complex subject of the value of an artwork.
Keynotes and open discussion will be followed by a networking cocktail.
18:30 Registration/welcome
18:45 Kick-off of the event - Welcome from the President of Romlux Asbl
18:50 Keynote speech – "The Neurophysiology of the consciousness of beautiful" - Univ Prof Dr Jan De Maere
19:30 Art is the new cash - Remus BOTARRO
19:45 Q&A session - moderated by Countess Marina von Kamarowsky, VAN HAM representative in Luxembourg, Owner of MVK Fineart and VP Romlux Asbl
20:00 Networking cocktail
Interested persons should register before 8 April 2019 via email: info@romlux.org or online: https://investing-in-art.eventbrite.com (using REN2019 code for free registration).