Credit: Yevgenia Doluda,

St George's International School Luxembourg presented their Annual Art Exhibition on Thursday 13 June 2024 at their campus in Luxembourg-Hamm. 

The private event was attended by school faculty members, parents and students who were all greeted by an intimate reception with drinks and snacks. 

The exhibition featured artworks from students of all ages, starting from Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to A-Level work. 

The school's Principal, Dr. Christian Barkei, gave a brief speech applauding the efforts of students and their teachers. He stated: "It's really important to make sure that artistic talent is nurtured, even if they [students] don't study art. As an artist, you should really have an innate enjoyment of art, an appreciation for art, all the way through your life".

There was a range of techniques and topics displayed throughout the school's hallways, ranging from ceramic sculptures to acrylic self-portraits. Year 10 and 12 students collaborated on an important Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) project which resulted in a mural of screen prints featuring personal interpretations of the goals. Other artworks took a more abstract focus, such as the Year 9 Mini GCSE Architecture project. 

The Annual Art Exhibition is an opportunity for students to showcase their vast understanding of styles, techniques, themes and artists. It is also a chance for faculty and family to experience the creativity of St George's art students.