The Chamber of Deputies (Luxembourg's parliament) recently adopted the law on free non-formal education.
From the start of the 2022-23 school year, reception in non-formal education structures, such as "Maisons Relais" (childminding services), daycare centres, mini-crèches and parental assistants, will be free during school weeks for children enrolled in basic education, starting from compulsory schooling.
According to Luxembourg's Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, this law represents an important step in education policy. Non-formal education has been found to play an important role in the development of the child and for his / her chances of success. It complements formal education at school and allows children to develop essential skills in a relaxed atmosphere.
Luxembourg's Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, noted that he considers that each child should have the same chances of succeeding in school, regardless of socio-economic background, mother tongue or migration profile. He specified: "The future chances of children and young people depend on a quality educational offer. This does not only apply to school. But also to non-formal education which contributes significantly to the development of children and young people. By guaranteeing access to formal and non-formal education, we create full-time school and educational offers in Luxembourg which, during school periods, are free from the next school year".
All children attending school are covered by free education, regardless of the type of education and care structure. Free admission does not apply to young children or children enrolled in early education. Nevertheless, the 20 hours of free childcare for children aged one to four as part of the plurilingual education program at the crèche remain valid.
Free admission will apply during school weeks, Monday to Friday, from 07:00 to 19:00. Outside of this time slot, the Chèque-Service Accueil (CSA) or childcare voucher system will be applied for the calculation of the financial contribution of parents and the State. During the school holidays, parents' financial participation will no longer be capped at a flat rate, but the CSA scale will apply.
From the start of the 2022-23 school year, the Education Ministry is also introducing free midday meals in education and reception structures during school weeks. During the holidays, free meals are reserved for families with an income less than twice the social minimum wage. For other families, the CSA scale applies.
Moreover, from the next school year, free education will allow children to access homework assistance in education and childcare facilities.