Monday 6 May 2024 marked the official launch of the European election campaigns in Luxembourg.

The European elections are taking place across the European Union from 6 to 9 June, with voters heading to the polls in Luxembourg on Sunday 9 June 2024.

As reported previously by Luxembourg's Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, a total of 30,605 non-Luxembourgish EU citizens residing in the Grand Duchy had registered to vote by the 15 April deadline. Luxembourgers aged eighteen and up, for whom voting is compulsory, are registered automatically.

With little over a month to go, election campaigning is now underway in the Grand Duchy. A total of thirteen parties have put forward their candidates who will vie for Luxembourg's six seats in the European Parliament.

Current MEPs

The European elections determine who will be the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) for the next five years. For 2024-2029, the total number of elected MEPs is set to increase from 705 to 720. Certain EU member states, including France, the Netherlands and Belgium, will benefit from this increase. In Luxembourg, the number remains unchanged at six - the minimum allowed.

Luxembourg’s current MEPs are:

- Marc Angel of LSAP (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats), who replaced Nicolas Schmit in late 2019 following the latter's appointment as EU Commissioner; Marc Angel also currently serves as Vice-President of the European Parliament;
- Charles Goerens of DP (Renew Europe Group);
- Martine Kemp of CSV (Group of the European People's Party - EPP), who replaced Christophe Hansen when the latter took up his mandate in the Chamber of Deputies after the 2023 national elections;
- Tilly Metz of the Greens (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance);
- Monica Semedo (formerly DP, now running for Fokus; Renew Europe Group);
- Isabel Wiseler-Lima of CSV (EPP), who replaced Christophe Hansen as European Parliament quaestor in October 2023.

Elected MEPs are grouped according to political affiliation (rather than nationality).


Running for the Christian Social People's Party (CSV): Christophe Hansen, former MEP and designated next EU Commissioner for Luxembourg; Isabel Wiseler-Lima, lead candidate and current MEP; Guy Breden; Mélanie Grün; Martine Kemp, current MEP; Metty Steinmetz.

Running for the Democratic Party (DP): Charles Goerens, current MEP; Amela Skenderović; Nancy Braun; Jana Degrott; Christos Floros; Gusty Graas.

Running for the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party (LSAP): Marc Angel, current MEP and European Parliament Vice-President; Danielle Filbig; Liz Braz; Mars Di Bartolomeo; Franz Fayot, former government minister; Michaela Morrisova.

Running for the Greens (déi Gréng): Tilly Metz, current MEP; Fabricio Costa; François Bausch, former government minister; Djuna Bernard; Chantal Gary: Patrick Hurst.

Running for the Alternative Democratic Reform Party (ADR): Fernand Kartheiser; Sylvie Mischel; Alex Penning; Jeff Engelen; Alexandra Schoos; Véronique Stoffel.

Running for the Pirate Party (Piraten): Raymond Remakel; Lucy Agostini; Nadine Do Carmo Freitas; Starsky Flor; Rebecca Lau; Vincenzo Turcarelli.

Running for the Left (déi Lénk): Ana Correia da Veiga; André Filipe Marques Pereira; Anastasia Iampolskaia; Ben Muller; Tania Mousel; Alija Suljic.

Running for Fokus: Frank Engel; Monica Semedo, current MEP; Marc Ruppert; Anne Winter; Rick Oberweis; Anne Lecuit.

Running for the Communist Party (KPL): Ali Ruckert; Alain Herman; Dzenana Adrovic; Claudine Muno; Eduardo Tiberi; Enrique Guerrero.

Running for Volt: Aurélie Dap; Philippe Schannes; Lara Marwaha; Conny Jaroni; Daniel Silva; Samuel Moïse.

Running for the Conservatives (déi Konservativ): Joe Thein; Guy Arend; Celeste Bemtgen; Armand Klein; Patrick Lamesch; Patrick Thein.

Running for Mir d'Vollek: Jean-Marie Jacoby; Peter Freitag; Margarida Brites Nunes; Tom Helbach; Viviane Bruno; Olivier Caisou-Rousseau.

Running for Zesummen d'Bréck: David Foka; Elfida Aguilar Fedee; Alexandre Château-Ducos; Danielle Choucroun; Athanase Popov; Gonçalves Domingas Tavares Freire.

How to vote

On 9 June, all Luxembourgish and other EU nationals residing in the Grand Duchy and who are registered on the electoral rolls should head to their local polling station to vote for the country's six MEPs. Registered voters will receive a letter (with information such as polling station opening hours, etc.) from their municipal administration at least five days before the elections. On the day itself, voters should go to the polling station to make their choice between 08:00 and 14:00, accompanied by their ID card or passport.

Voting involves filling in / putting a cross in the box at the top of a party list to vote for everyone on that list (one vote per candidate) or by allocating up to two votes to candidates on one or several lists - with a maximum of six votes in either case.

There is also the option of postal voting. To do so, registered voters living in the Grand Duchy must send their request to their municipality of residence (either via or in writing, by post) between twelve weeks and 25 days before election day (i.e. by 15 May).