On Thursday 1 April 2021, the National Committee of CSV International held its first digital congress to elect its new executive board and delegates to the CSV National Council.

The elected officers are as follows:
- President: Saad NABBI
- Vice-President: Bianca MATRAS
- Secretary General: Ervin ZALJEVIĆ
- Deputy Secretary: Cyrille OURAGA
CSV International (CSI) is one of the 5 sub-organisations of the CSV political party, alongside the Jeunesse Chrétienne-Sociale (CSJ), the Femmes Chrétiennes-Sociales (CSF), the Seniors of the CSV and the Communal Christian-Social Councils (CSG). Founded in October 2008, CSV International has some 800 members and works to represent the interests of foreigners and new Luxembourgers, and to promote their political integration.

The renewal of the internal organs of the CSI was an opportunity to underline the importance of its mission within the CSV and in the Luxembourg political landscape, and to acclaim the extent of the work carried out during the last two years, notwithstanding the context of the current pandemic.

The new president, Saad NABBI, who will lead the executive of the CSI for the next two years, is Luxembourgish-Moroccan, 32 years old, member of the CSV since his arrival in Luxembourg in 2012 and of the national committee of the CSI since 2020. Having taken part at the Leadership Academy organised by the outgoing President of the CSI, Clara Moraru, he aspires to sensitise more foreigners and bi-nationals to the activities organized by the CSI, and to strengthen its role as an exchange platform bringing together Luxembourg and non-Luxembourg members.

Luxembourg: multiculturalism and many challenges

Rich in its multiculturalism and multilingualism, Luxembourg benefits from a particular demographic dynamic within the European Union. However, the current legal framework and the measures implemented in terms of integration seem overwhelmed by this demographic mosaic. The political integration of foreigners remains below ambitions and the participation of new Luxembourgers does not generally go beyond their submission to the duty to vote.

In addition, although the provisions of the law of 8 March 2017 on Luxembourg nationality have facilitated the process of acquiring Luxembourg citizenship, the impact on the effective integration of newly naturalised Luxembourgers remains insufficient.

Thus, enjoying its position within the CSV, the country's largest political organisation, the CSI aims to bring the politics of foreigners and new Luxembourgers closer together, to develop the concept of integration through politics, to advocate for a language regime adapted to the reality of the country and the strengthening of the use and learning of Luxembourgish.

The new CSI executive will continue the efforts already started to promote the active involvement of foreigners in politics, to support the development and implementation of concrete measures to improve integration and living together, and finally to keep integration issues at the centre of the CSV project and facilitate rapprochement between the different communities of the country.