The National Archives of Luxembourg, together with the Ministry of Culture and the Œuvre nationale de secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, have reported that, on Thursday 25 March 2021, HRH the Grand Duke visited the exhibition "75 Joer Œuvre - A History of Solidarity" at the National Archives of Luxembourg.
The visit took place in the presence of the Minister of Culture, Sam Tanson, the Director of the National Archives, Josée Kirps, and the President of the Œuvre nationale de secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, Pierre Bley.
75 years ago, the Œuvre nationale de secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte was created in the extremely difficult context of the Second World War and the immediate post-war years, in which the survival of part of the Luxembourg population depended on the generosity and solidarity of others. Today, the Œuvre still supports solidarity projects and thus meets the needs which, within our society, are not covered either by public funds or by private initiative, and this in particular in the current crisis linked to COVID-19.
On the occasion of this anniversary, the National Archives of Luxembourg produced, in partnership with the Œuvre, the exhibition "75 Joer Œuvre - A History of Solidarity". It presents the history of this institution by looking at its birth and its main commitments in the context of the reconstruction of the country after 1945 - including the creation of the National Lottery - and by illustrating its current activities through various representative projects financed by it.
For this exhibition, documents and photographs from the archives of the Grand Ducal House, among others, have been made available to the National Archives. The exhibition is placed under the high patronage of Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess. It lasts until 24 April 2021.