Credit: ACL

ACL reported that a new edition of its Classic Tour successfully took place on Ascension Thursday, 9 May 2024, in summer-like weather.

Bugatti, Triumph, Porsche, Mercedes, Ferrari, Chevrolet... Nearly 150 teams took part in this ride worthy of a rolling museum, bringing together a wide range from the youngest to the oldest vintage cars with mechanics dating from the 1930s. Note that the oldest participant was an Amilcar M2 Special from 1932.

Parked in the ACL car park in Bertrange, from 09:01, the crews set off on a 236.66 km route designed by Ed Goedert and kept secret until the big day. It was a route rich in rural landscapes and often intimate places. Jumbled together, the road passed through Gosseldange, Bissen, Niederfeulen, Bamhaff, Bourscheid, Haarderbaach, Dahl, Merholtz, Wilwerwiltz, Enscherange and even Weiswampach and Lieler. The latter hosted the lunch break.

In the afternoon, the journey continued to cross, in no particular order, Heinerscheid, Hupperdange, Urspelt, Reuler, Munshausen, Siebenaler, Hosingen, Obereisenbach, Stolzenburg, Bettendorf, Moestroff, Ermsdorf and Nommern before reaching the finish at the Parc Alvisse hotel around 18:00.

This last meeting allowed the group to debrief the day around a friendly dinner and to bid each other farewell other until next year’s meeting.