Credit: © Ville de Luxembourg - Tom Jungbluth

The City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg - VdL) has announced that it will present the final version of its "Mobilitéitsplang" (mobility plan) at the Grand Théâtre in Luxembourg-Limpertsberg on Thursday 27 June 2024 at 18:00.

The presentation will take place in the presence of the Mayor of Luxembourg City, Lydie Polfer, the alderman in charge of mobility, Patrick Goldschmidt, Mobility Director Paul Hoffmann and the manager in charge of mobility projects in the VdL traffic department, Rafael Da Silva.

The VdL noted that the mobility plan is the fruit of work carried out over several years, with the active participation of offices with extensive experience in the field and working closely with the various VdL departments, the college of aldermen and the mobility committee, as well as the general public.

During the upcoming presentation, officials will present the urban mobility objectives that the VdL expects to achieve by 2035. The plan will inform all the mobility-related measures that the VdL intends to implement, taking into account both the different means of transport and the various reasons for travel.

Discussions will also focus on analysing the strengths and weaknesses of existing infrastructures and transport offers as well as a description of the infrastructures and transport offers necessary to guarantee the accessibility of the city in the future. This will take into account the demographic and economic growth of the capital as well as the challenges linked to environmental protection.

Also to be discussed are the strategies and measures to be implemented to achieve the set objectives and guarantee efficient and sustainable mobility in the future, adapted to the needs of different users and taking into account the current situation and existing constraints.

The presentation will be followed by an exchange between politicians, mobility experts and the audience.

Members of the public are invited to attend this presentation, which will be delivered in Luxembourgish - simultaneous interpretation into French, German or English will be available on-site (interpretation needs to be specified when registering).

To attend, register before 12:00 (noon) on 27 June online at or via tel.: 4796-3385 (Monday-Friday, 08:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00). The entry ticket received following registration must be presented on the day of the event.

The "Mobilitéitsplang" is available in three languages ​​(French, German and English). Those interested can order their copy via the aforementioned website. The brochure will also be available during the presentation evening on 27 June.