On Thursday 23 January 2025, the Health Directorate of Luxembourg's Ministry of Health and Social Security published its weekly retrospective concerning the evolution of the main acute respiratory infections including COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
From Monday 13 to Sunday 19 January 2025, the number of influenza cases reported by laboratories increased from 1,377 to 1,626 cases, an increase of 18% compared
to the previous week. There were 74% influenza A and 26% influenza B among the typed results.
In addition to vaccination, the health authorities continued to enforce the message of adopting barrier gestures to limit the spread of the flu virus:
- wash hands regularly with soap and water for 30 seconds, carefully rubbing the palms, fingers, backs of hands and under the nails;
- cover one's mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. If a tissue is not available, use the crook of the elbow;
- immediately throw used tissues in the bin and then wash one's hands;
- avoid physical contact such as hugs, kisses and handshakes;
- avoid crowds and gatherings during the epidemic season;
- stay home if sick, to avoid contaminating those around;
- ventilate rooms regularly, at least three to four times a day for ten minutes.
The authorities advised following these simple steps above to help protect one's health and that of others.
A decrease of 13% was reported in the number of RSV cases for week 3, with 204 confirmed cases, compared to 235 in week two.
The health authorities also noted a decrease in the number of cases of COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 from 94 to 72 cases. This is a decrease of 23% compared to the previous week.
However, the viral concentration detected in wastewater has shown an increase.