Credit: LNS

On Friday 9 August 2024, the Laboratoire National de Santé (LNS; national health laboratory) released its annual report for 2023.

As reported by the LNS, 2023 marked a period of "significant transformation", with the institution rethinking its operational approach whilst remaining committed to public health.

The LNS 2023 Annual Report reflects on some of the main achievements of this "year of change". The LNS initiated several projects in 2023 aimed at further improving the institution's operational efficiency. From the launch of accreditation processes to the automation and digitalisation of workflows, these first initiatives "embody the new dynamic driving the organisation", noted the LNS.

To support this transformation, the LNS has strengthened its teams and consolidated its structure by creating new positions in both support services and management. This new organisation is expected to enable the LNS to "better fulfil its current missions while preparing to meet the challenges of tomorrow".

Five initiatives in the spotlight

The 2023 Annual Report highlights five initiatives undertaken in 2023, particularly those in the areas of public health and organisation. 

  • 5 years of the umedo service: together with its project partners, the LNS's forensic service for adult victims of physical and sexual violence took stock of its work at a symposium marking the fifth anniversary of its launch;
  • Better protect human health thanks to the PARC project: the LNS Health Protection Department is leading Luxembourg's contribution to the European Partnership for the assessment of Risk of Chemicals (PARC);
  • Carbapenem-Resistant Bacteria Surveillance InsightsSurveillance: in 2023, the LNS Microbiology Department provided insight into the development of carbapenemase-producing enterobacterales (CPE) isolates in Luxembourg since 2014;
  • Towards an optimised and efficient organisation in Medical Biology: the organisation and structure of this department have been rethought to better respond to changes in activity;
  • Implementation of the first LNS collective bargaining agreement: the LNS signed its first collective bargaining agreement in 2023. This agreement, aimed at structuring and improving the working conditions of the institution's private employees; the LNS noted that the Human Resources Department had played a key role in drawing up the agreement. 

The LNS in key figures

As presented in six informative videos by experts from the institution's scientific departments:

  • the LNS carried out 93,587 analyses within its Department of Medical Biology in 2023;
  • the LNS Health Protection Department carried out 5,475 environmental microbiology analyses;
  • the LNS Forensic Medicine Department carried out 2,885 capillary toxicology analyses; 
  • the LNS carried out 36,816 antimicrobial resistance tests in its Microbiology Department;
  • the LNS carried out 74,676 immunohistochemical analyses in the National Centre of Pahtology:
  • 10,529 constitutional genetics analyses were performed at the National Centre of Genetics.

Dr Thomas Dentzer, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Director LNS, commented: "In 2023, the Laboratoire national de santé (LNS) embarked on a major transformation that marks a turning point for our institution. We have reviewed our processes and launched strategic initiatives to strengthen our commitment to public health and respond ever more effectively to the needs of the Luxembourgish population."

The 2023 LNS Annual Report is available in full digital format at