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Luxembourg's Ministry of Health has recalled the importance of solidarity in the context of World Cancer Day, an international day marked annually on 4 February.

This year, the Day is placed under the slogan “Close the care gap – for fairer care”.

In 2020, cancer was diagnosed in 2.7 million people in the European Union and the disease led to the death of 1.3 million people.

In Luxembourg, cancer is the leading cause of death in men and the second leading cause in women. Although medicine has made tremendous progress, cancer remains a huge public health challenge and a huge burden on those affected and their families.

The multi-annual “Close the Care Gap” campaign encourages to take note of the gaps in the achievement of the management of cancer diseases and to recognise the inequalities in access to treatments that may still exist.

"Analysing the situation, having an open mind and opting for innovative solutions by focusing on strong alliances: this is what will improve the accessibility and quality of care in Luxembourg", said Minister of Health, Paulette Lenert, “and it is around the voice of the patients that we must rally”.

National Cancer Plan 2 – 2020-2024 (PNC2)

Building on the momentum already established during the first Luxembourg National Cancer Plan 2014-2018, this second plan (PNC2) began its real deployment in 2021, with the creation of the National Cancer Platform and the launch of eight working groups, each dedicated to a specific strategic axis.

During the first deployment actions of this plan, emphasis was placed on continuing to set up Multidisciplinary Consultation Meetings, aimed at improving the quality of care.

The establishment of national oncology networks, their integration into European structures and participation in collaborative European projects, is continuing in particular within the framework of the alignment of the PNC2 with European initiatives.

The promotion of research infrastructures and their integration into cancer treatment is also in line with the development of cancer knowledge in Luxembourg.

A very marked commitment from patients and patient representative organisations in the various areas should be noted, where patient support and consideration of the patient experience is a central concern of the PNC2.