Credit: Pixabay

Luxembourg construction company Manuel Cardoso Group is set to file for bankruptcy; the company currently counts some 120 employees.

According to other local media, employees received the news via an internal letter on Monday 24 July 2023. This came following initial reports of financial issues.

Following this announcement and at the request of Luxembourg's Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, Georges Engel, the ADEM employment agency will organise an extraordinary information meeting for the employees concerned. This meeting will take place at the ADEM branch in Esch-Belval on Wednesday 26 July 2023 at 09:00. 

According to Luxembourg's Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, those concerned will receive detailed information at this meeting concerning how to register as a resident or non-resident jobseeker, secured claims for employyes in the event of bankruptcy, advances on salary arrears and the steps to follow to apply for unemployment benefits.

Employees wishing to take part in this meeting should present themselves at the reception of ADEM in Esch-Belval on this occasion.